Generative AI: Everything Content Marketers Need to Know

With the right approach, generative AI can be a game-changing technology for businesses. Discover how your team can start using AI content marketing tools today.

4 min read

Generative AI: Everything Content Marketers Need to Know

Generative AI is a big deal – for content marketing and every other industry. Not since the dawn of the smartphone era has there been such a dramatic technological shift that promises to radically change the way we work. 

This change isn’t just coming; it’s already here. Teams that have adopted AI tools for content marketing are seeing significant productivity gains, while those resistant to change are falling behind. 

It’s easy to be overwhelmed by the sheer breadth of capabilities generative AI brings to your team. Some content marketers feel threatened, worrying (wrongly) that AI technologies are coming to take their jobs. 

The good news: we’re still in the early innings of this new era of content marketing. With the right approach, infusing generative AI into your integrated marketing strategy only elevates the importance of content marketing to your business. 

An Introduction to Generative AI in Content Marketing

Generative AI might be one of the defining content marketing trends this year, but it’s not a new concept. Many marketers have used AI technologies for years: whether that’s Google auto-completing your searches or social media platforms suggesting the optimal time to publish a post. 

Traditional AI tools analyze a large dataset, look for patterns, and then make predictions based on this data. Generative AI technologies work similarly, with one key difference: they generate tangible outputs based on the data analyzed by their algorithms.

At a high level, here is how AI tools for content marketing work:

  • The user enters a prompt, providing the AI tool with instructions on what to do.
  • The AI tool analyzes existing content and data from a wide variety of sources, identifying key concepts and data points relevant to the user's prompt.  
  • Using Natural Language Processing (NLP) technology, the AI tool uses this analysis to generate new content in line with the user’s prompt, such as a blog post or social media caption. 

The real value unlock of generative AI technologies lies in their endless applications. Digital marketers can use AI tools to create all kinds of content, from written content to images, videos, and other forms of multimedia.

The Intersection of AI and Content Marketing

Few industries are better suited to the strengths of generative AI technologies than digital marketing. Generative AI technologies are intuitive, user-friendly platforms that can be used across every area of content marketing. 

By adopting AI content marketing tools, teams can automate and streamline a wide range of time-consuming tasks, freeing marketing professionals up to focus on big-picture strategic issues that help them move their business forward. 

Applications of Generative AI in Content Marketing

There are countless ways that content marketing teams can harness the power of generative AI technologies: the only real limit is your team’s imagination. Often, the best approach is to experiment with different tools to find use cases that make sense for your team’s workflow. 

Popular applications of generative AI in content marketing include:

  • Automating time-consuming tasks. Example: creating landing page variations.
  • Generating content outlines. Example: producing blog post structures that ensure topical coverage.
  • Ideating new creative angles or concepts. Example: generating advertising copy or email subject lines.
  • Amending existing content to be suitable for new platforms. Example: repurposing a podcast episode into a blog post. 
  • Generating marketing images. Example: generating images for social media posts.

Benefits of Using Generative AI for Content Marketing

AI writing generators and other generative AI technologies have the potential to be a game-changer for every company’s content marketing strategy. When balanced with the right amount of human creativity and oversight, generative AI tools provide benefits including:

  • Increased Efficiency: routine workflows can often be streamlined and made more efficient thanks to the powerful automation capabilities of AI technologies. 
  • Improved Strategic Focus: teams can eliminate time-consuming tasks that eat up their budget and sap their energy, instead focusing on projects that move the needle for their business. 
  • Powerful Scalability: AI technologies offer scale that humans cannot replicate. Smaller content marketing teams can significantly increase their output when they adopt generative AI technologies. 
  • Content Personalization: AI allows for smart personalization at scale, empowering content teams to produce extremely relevant content that’s closely tailored to individuals. 

Together, these benefits can transform a content marketing strategy, but there’s one caveat. Adopting AI marketing tools alone isn’t enough to realize these benefits: content marketing teams have to build the skill sets to master these tools. 

Realizing these benefits in full will take your team months, or even years. The sooner you start, the stronger your position will be in the future. 

Potential Challenges and Ethical Considerations of Generative AI in Content Marketing

There’s no question that generative AI technologies offer content marketers a lot of benefits. However, there are also some drawbacks, both from a practical and an ethical perspective. 

AI technologies do not create new knowledge: they simply summarize existing information in a new format. It can be impossible to understand where this information came from, and therefore, it’s up to your content marketing team to determine whether it’s any good or not. 

It’s not uncommon for generative AI technologies to make verifiably false claims. Blogging is an important part of digital marketing, and for your content to be valuable, it’s likely your team will have to spend a significant amount of time editing and adding unique insights to any AI-generated materials. 

From an ethical standpoint, many leading AI models draw on information that is copyrighted. Depending on their training data, models can be biased, and there are also privacy concerns over the way these technologies collect, store, and use personal and business data. 

You shouldn’t necessarily let any of these concerns hold you back from experimenting with generative AI tools for content marketing, but you should be mindful of them. The best generative AI content marketing strategies perfectly blend technology with knowledgeable human oversight. 

Tips to Get Started with Generative AI 

If you’re ready to start exploring how to incorporate generative AI technologies into your business’s content marketing strategy, the world is your oyster. But with so many tools out there, where do you begin? 

The best place to start is by getting your hands dirty and experimenting with a few tools. Here are some of the best generative AI tools for content marketing:

    1. Jasper: AI writing generator for marketing teams.
    2. ChatGPT: conversation-based chatbot that generates written content.
    3. Midjourney: generates images from prompts.
    4. Lately: social media caption generator.
    5. Synthesia: creates AI-generated video content. 

The worlds of marketing and AI move fast, with new technologies and use cases emerging every day. Invest the time to stay up-to-date with all of the latest trends as you continue exploring the role generative AI technologies will play in your content marketing strategy.  

AI-Powered Content Marketing: Don't Fight It, Embrace It 

Generative AI technologies will undoubtedly play an important role in all integrated marketing strategies. Many content marketing teams are already well on the path to mastering these tools, and early adopters are already reaping significant benefits. 

If your team needs support creating and executing a winning digital marketing strategy, reach out to GoDelta. Innovation is core to our approach to crafting successful marketing strategies for ambitious brands. By adopting the latest and greatest technologies, we’re committed to accelerating your journey to success. 

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